The future needs roots - PSG businesses (Pesko is a founding member of the group) continue unreservedly what they have lived and breathed for so many years. They see exceptional competency as an obligation. Their passion for sports and fashion drives them forward, they communicate that passion to their customers and excite them with it. Their brand-promises unite owners, employees and other stakeholders to perform on a level that is absolutely unmatched.
Without reservation, PSG believes in owner-operated retail, doing its part to strengthen the sector Switzerland-wide through a top-quality business association. The various sports retail stores are, and will remain independent service providers - because PSG Premium Sports Group belongs to the dealers themselves.
The companies which participate in the PSG Premium Sports Group are convinced that an engaging mutual exchange between insightful personalities makes a valuable contribution to a successful future. Their goal is collective action and strategic partnerships to build on.
Leading the way is the core dynamic of the PSG programme. Content and form are brought together to create a complete programme that benefits everyone.
PSG is premium - and for PSG, its customers are premium, too.
PSG entrepreneurs understand the essential importance of their employees. It is vital for every employee to understand and live the culture of the company, to use their knowledge on its behalf every single day, and to prepare themselves for the future, today. For the benefit of all our customers.
We feel it is time to champion our employees more than ever. The PSG Campus aims to push, nurture, inspire and support them.
Next-generation employees at PSG enterprises
In the PSG Campus next-generation module, different practice-orientated courses are offered as an enhancement to theory instruction.
"Best Practice"
Für die “Talents” und alle lernhungrigen Mitarbeitenden der PSG Unternehmungen wird ein mehrsemestriges Ausbildungsprogramm mit folgenden Inhaltspunkten angeboten.
- Der Fokus wird auf betriebswirtschaftliche, touristische und wirtschaftliche Inhalte gelegt.
- Ein mehrjähriges Ausbildungsprogramm dient der Karriereplanung jedes Einzelnen.
- Die PSG unterstützt in ausgewählten Fällen, z. B. fünf pro Jahr, eine solche Form der Karriereplanung.
- Es werden auch verschiedene Modelle von Zusammenarbeiten gesucht. Zurzeit z.B. mit der Höheren Fachschule für Tourismus des Kantons Graubünden.
For up-and-coming talents and all employees of PSG companies hungry to learn, a multi-semester training programme is offered with the following areas of emphasis.
- Focus on business, tourism and economic themes.
- Multiyear training programme to offer individuals a well-structured career development plan.
- In select cases, e.g. five times a year, PSG supports such a form of career development plan.
- Different collaboration models are constantly sought. Currently, for example, with the University of Applied Tourism Sciences for the Canton of Graubünden.

Lateral entrants
Today, and likely more so in future, Pesko and PSG welcomes ever greater numbers of lateral newcomers to the sports retail industry. This requires a separate approach to training and professional development, though one that is based on existing offers (e.g. ASMAS courses).
The goal of this module is to bring lateral entrants up to a high level of quality as quickly as possible.

PSG Expertise Exchange
Entrepreneurs meet entrepreneurs.
The goal of the “Expertise Exchange” is to host enterprise owners for two days every two years in order to learn from PSG peers. Through open exchange, a wide range of topics are addressed, whilst new approaches are highlighted that serve as inspiration and are intended to make us an even better company.
- Employee discussions
- Marketing and advertising examples
- Goods and service processes
- Key facts and figures
- Miscellaneous business topics